I Lost My Mind

Work, you are dead to me,
Or I am dead to you,
At least, that is, I died,
Or I will die,

Then it’s will at stake,
For I will kill you,
Or you will kill me,
So it’s your will or mine,

A mine I didn’t see,
when I stepped on it
Exploded in my brain,

So its the brain, I see
Or I saw, before I lost it

But what did I lose?
I can’t remember

A brain, a will, a mine?
I really don’t mind,

Do I mind? Perhaps,
Oh yes, that’s what I lost

I forgot I lost my mind

My Brother, Inspiration

I had a brother once.
I knew him well.
I loved him.

He was my spark of life,
My hopeful glimmer,
My friend.

But as I grew,
and work set in,
I slowly shut him out.

Each day his cries
To play and talk,
Would fall on empty ears.

I had less time,
We seldom spoke,
And he was wearing thin.

Each time he came
I strangled him,
my hand upon his mouth.

Come later! Maybe then
I’ll have time to laugh,
to play with you

But he came less,
I didn’t notice-
Work was everything.

I stifled every sound
and wouldn’t let him breathe.
Slowly I forgot

I had a brother once.
I killed him.
Choked out every breath.

One Life

One life,
one life
and what to do?

Perhaps if I
had use of two,
Perhaps then I’d know what to do.

Perhaps if I
Could live with three,
Then how easy would it be.

But I have only one
you see.
Not two or three,
Just one – just me.

And so I must decide
Just what to do
With one, not three or two.

Give Me All

Give me your feet
and I will wash them

Give you your mind
and I will teach it

Give me your heart
and I will heal it

Give me your hands
and I will use them

Give me your life
each part
each breath

Give me your all.

How long can I hide this boy,
This soul inside of me?

The heart that sings
that gapes at setting suns
and stays behind to watch the stars
sparkle in the night
How long will I hide?

I drag him by the hand
no time, no time
no time to watch the birds
no time to touch the leaves
How long will I hide him?

I push away
keep him quiet
in the corner of my thoughts

How long will I hide him?
And will he be there
when I go looking?